
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time. I have decided to join other WB members and read the book 100 Days of Weight Loss - The Secret to Being Successful on Any Diet Plan' A Daily Motivator by Linda Spangle.  I ordered the book last week from so it should be here any minute... I look forward to it. I am tired of having spent more than half my life thinking about my weight, and diets and all that and while I know that I will always have to watch my weight I don't want to have to spend time thinking about what I can't do because I am heavier. I am no dummy. I am quite knowledgeable when it comes to diet and fitness but there is something there mentally that keeps me from my goals. I am very much looking forward to learning more about myself in this aspect...

So I will have this for my head, and Tosca's Eat Clean for my body, which I am still wrapping my brain will power around... When you have a lot of weight to lose it can seem so daunting and monumental, but if we can do "Just one more day" as Linda says, we will be that much closer to eating our elephants.

Today's Meal Plan:

800 Coffee with milk and splenda
930 Homemade flax bread, dry and hardboiled eggs sans yolks.
1100 Smoothie: Strawberries, skim milk, spinach, water. Need to buy more protein powder or at least some yogurt..
130 Spring Mix Salad, Turkey, and apple. Handful of whole wheat Penne.
400 Green Tea and Fibre 1 Bar I know, not the best but I really want chocolate today and it's only 100 cal. Maybe I'll find the will power to skip it and have something more natural...
630 Sheperd's Pie and Green Salad
900 12 Baby Carrots and 2 tbs Tribe Hummus

...and each meal will be accompanied with at least 500 ml of water except for 800 and 400. That will give me 2.5 litres of water minimum.

For excercise today, since it is pouring rain will be 30 minutes of treadmil walking/running at 3.5 and 5mph, crunches on the ball, and weights.

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